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Why Nugtopia?

I created Nugtopia to help push the taboo of cannabis out of society. 

I want a reason for everyone to smile and to think of it as a healing 

plant rather than a drug. The best way I could express my push for 

medicinal cannabis was to paint the most relatable strains and 

transform them into “Nug” characters. My passion for the medicinal 

cannabis industry came when our mother was diagnosed with benign

nodules in her breast tissue. Breast cancer runs deep in our family and 

our mom actually lost her mom to breast cancer at a young age. So 

with this new diagnosis, our mom went out to Colorado for a little 

while and was being treated with a concentrated form of cannabis. 

When she went in the hospital to do the extraction surgery, the surgeons 

searched for over an hour to find nothing but grains of sand that the tumors

had shrunk down to. A miracle happened all due to a cannabis plant! Our 

mother’s story isn’t the only one out there, so please take some time and 

educate yourself on the beneficial medicinal properties of cannabis. Come

join our Nugtopia family and rid the world of cannabis ignorance forever.

Cannabis artist Kole Trent has been taking the industry to new heights, 

and has a lot more in store!

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